nearly off

It's nearly here and I can't quite believe how fast it's arrived. I haven't done a load of things I ought to have done... When talked about it with my bosses and got the nod 4 months ago it seemed ages away. And when I set up this blog 2 months ago it still seemed remote. But suddenly here it is.
I've had a great send off from friends and work. Last weekend there was a great party here at home where everyone got drunk (some of us more than others Tony). I put together a video with

Then there was a nice drink up at the work. Everyone has been very kind about it. especially the management who have never treid to dissuade me, even though the office is very busy. I feel slightly guilty about leaving now - but then I suppose there never is a good time. It was a great evening at the Prophet. I shared it with Dom, my colleague who left the same day to go and work in Hong Kong, so I will be meeting up with im just before Christmas.
Plans have had to change for the New Year

Keith, I did not like you publishing me being refused a Visa...I have a
What the Americans think of me now..:-) Delighted?
I always consider it their loss..
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