merry christmas to all my readers
- picture by Norma
I'm now enjoying a restful stay on the beach in Thailand after 6 weeks on the go.
The blog is fairly up to date and so is the picture site. I will follow with Hong Kong in the next few days.
Have I achieved peace, serenity and happiness in my trip so far? Not exactly, but I certainly feel relaxed and already have many fond memories of people and places that will be with me always. It's also made me think more seriously about the world, the ways people live and are treated, and the philosophies they follow. After almost 49 days* I haven't quite achieved enlightenment yet though - but watch this blog!
I hope that you too enjoy the holiday season and achieve the goals you set yourself for the next year - I hope they include a long holiday like mine as I certainly recommend it!
Christmas Day 2006
*the length of time the Buddha spent meditating under the banyan tree
Hey Keith
Happy belated Christmas and here's hoping you have a fab start to the New Year!
Reading some of you're accounts has reminded me so much of my own recent trip to India.. we'll have to compare stories when you are back!
Sheffield office sends their regards and best wishes...
Will keep reading!
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