Monday, October 02, 2006

the trip

30 years is a long time to wait for a gap year. But why should kids get all the fun? Anyway, now seems just about the perfect time. I've been putting a little money aside, I've got no real commitments, the mortgage is paid off, and I'm not too old to enjoy it... After 30 years continuous employment, and five years at my current job, I decided to go for it.
A few weeks ago, I went out and bought the round the world ticket, and now I'm off on 10 November for six whole months of complete hedonism, and no doubt a few shaky moments too. The slightly eccentric routing (thanks to the one world alliance options available) is:
London, Delhi (with side trips to Nepal, Bhutan and Rajasthan),
Hong Kong, Bangkok (ditto to Vietnam, Laos and maybe others), Singapore, Bali, Sydney, Auckland, Santiago (Chile), Rio de Janeiro... and home.
Here are some images of places I hope to visit, scenes I hope to see:

(Reposted as I'm going public for the first time with the blog today. For newbies: you have to read a blog from the bottom up if you want it in chronological order)